Welcome to Digital Obituary

Owner : G.R. Adams Digital_Obituary

We at Digital Obituary are sincerely sorry for your loss.


We hope that our service may provide a dignified manner to preserve the memories of your lost one.


We accomplish that with a digital obituary. We will provide you a weather resistant digital QR Code.You will attach the QR Code to your loved one burial site. When the QR Code is scanned, it will go to your loved one digital obituary.


To preserve the memory of your loved one, it requires only 3 step.


1. Complete the order form



2. Email 3 pictures to digitalobituary@gmail.com with departed name


3. Pay for the service $75.00




Excellent, expect a call within 2 business day confirming your order.


I you have any question, please call us at (402) 868-0680



Here is an example of a Digital Obituary Code.


Here is it attached to the Tombstone.

Digital Obituary Code on Tombstone


Then when scanned by the Free QR Phone App
it pulls up your deceased Digital Obituary

A piece of my Uncle Eric Digital Obituary